- 25.06.2014 Program is
- 16.06.2014 PDF
files of the final papers and
the proceedings are put at the site.
- 26.04.2014 Accepted
papers are announced.
- 03.04.2014 Weaker submission procedure:
- April 3, 2014 (Thursday): submission deadline - please
submit at least authors, title and abstract to
- April 5, 2014 (Saturday): please submit a draft to
allow PC members to select papers for review (you may change
the file several times)
- April 10, 2014 (Thursday): proper submission due
for reviewing
- 25.01.2014 The dates of the META 2014 workshop has been fixed
to June 29 - July 3, immediately after the
PSI 2014 conference
in St.Petersburg, Russia. June 28 is the day of departure
from PSI'14 and arrival to META'14. The most convenient way will
be by air from the Pulkovo
airport in St.Petersburg to the
Sheremetyevo airport
in Moscow, where you will be met by the META organizers and reach
Pereslavl-Zalessky by a car or bus.
Please discuss all of the
questions and topics concerning the META workshops in the Google Group
"Supercompilation and Related Techniques" in English:
and in the Google Group
"Метавычисления и специализация программ" ("Metacomputation
and program specialization") in Russian: